Category: Mindset

Weightlifting Training Timeline (1 Week to 1 Year)

1 Year of Weightlifting Training: Timeline & Results

Setting out on a weight lifting training journey can feel like stepping into a world full of possibilities – and a few unknowns. With enough grit and the right guidance, a year of lifting weights can lead to real transformations, not just in muscle growth but in confidence, body composition, and general well-being.  This weightlifting […]

How to be more aggressive in your lifting

Ever seen a lifter absolutely rip into a heavy bar and think ‘I wish I could be that aggressive too’? Here we talk about what it takes to be more aggressive in your lifting and why you should even bother.

Five things you’re NOT doing to get stronger

Sometimes it seems like we are going to the gym and putting in the work, but don’t get stronger. When I talk to people about their training, 9 times out of 10 it is something quite simple that they are not doing. Be honest with yourself – what out of the list below are you […]

What to do when life gets in the way of training

Staying consistent with your training is one of the toughest tasks out there – for all but the most dedicated gym rat/student/young PT who has all the time in the world to spend in the gym. Life happens. Shit happens. Work gets really fucking busy! Other responsibilities distract you, you fall out of routine and […]

Failing to succeed

“I’ve missed more than 9,000 shots in my career. I’ve lost almost 300 games.
26 times I’ve been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed.
I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed.”

Michael Jordan succeeded because he was prepared to just do, whatever the consequences. He kept doing the thing and kept learning from it. And all that learning helped him to refine his game to the point where he was able to be very successful.

When you’ve not had a Personal Best for a long, long time

As a lifter, this is one of the most painful situations you will be in. Emotionally painful, that is. And with the deluge of social media, it has become even worse! Everyone and her dog is dying to tell you about their latest Personal Best. It feels like the whole world is rubbing your miserable […]

Best training for fat loss?

The best training for fat loss is the kind that makes you forget about your body hang-ups and enjoy what your body can do. What if instead of hating your thighs, you marvelled at how much they can squat, or how strongly they carry you up that hill? What if you stopped worrying about a […]

3 ways to improve focus when lifting heavy

Often people struggle to focus when lifting heavy weights, especially in the olympic lifts, which happen so fast. Other thoughts muscle their way in just as you are preparing to lift the bar. You’re distracted, you’re overthinking it, and all of a sudden your lift is gone. I’ve found that one of the best ways […]

How to overcome fear of lifting heavy weights

Is fear of lifting heavy weights affecting your progress in the gym? You’re not alone! I work with a lot of adults taking up weight lifting for the first time, or coming back to it after decades of not weight lifting. As we get older, we naturally feel more fear and it becomes harder to […]